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open one’s eyes and mouth wide
张大嘴 睁大眼睛  detail>>
eyes wide open
大开眼界  detail>>
look with wide open eyes
巴着眼瞧  detail>>
my eyes are wide open
我的双眼已然睁开  detail>>
wide-open eyes
睁得圆圆的眼睛  detail>>
with eyes open wide
眼睛睁得大大的  detail>>
keep the mouth shut and the eyes open
嘴闭眼明  detail>>
open one’s mouth
宽厚一点  detail>>
pop-eyed with eyes wide open
瞪着眼睛  detail>>
keeyour mouth shut and your eyes open
善良的心地胜过桂冠  detail>>
mouth open
张口位 张着嘴  detail>>
张口位  detail>>
open mouth
开口  detail>>
with open mouth
张口结舌  detail>>
with one mouth
异口同声地, 众口同声地  detail>>
in the eyes of in one’s eyes
在某人眼里  detail>>
open wide
开大,睁大 张大, 大开  detail>>
wide open
充分张开的, 开得很大的 毫无止张 宽阔视野 全开 视野广阔 完全打开 油门最大  detail>>